
Showing posts from April, 2023

Real Human Kidney For Sale

  Real Human Kidney For Sale Human Kidney For Sale Online Legit Human Kidney for sale from the most reliable medical experts in the world, and we can deliver it safely to your location in good condition still. Organ donation has always been regarded as an altruistic act. Thus all government, professional societies and ethics committees regard it as unethical to allow for sales of kidney . Altruism is implied that a person donates an organ (usually a kidney) without coercion and receiving any compensation including financial ones. Their only reward is satisfaction in their self-sacrificial action. Unfortunately there are not many altruistic persons around. Most organs for transplants come from brain dead or dead donors (cadaveric organ transplants). Very few living persons come forward as donors. The result is a scarcity of organs for transplants which results in thousands of deaths for want of organs. The kidney has been ch

10 year old skull for sale

  8-10 Year Old Pediatric Uncut Human Skull Pathology April 17, 2023 8-10 Year Old Pediatric Uncut Human Skull Pathology For Sale This pediatric skull is in pristine condition displaying no breaks, cracks, or missing pieces. The dental development of the dentitions place this skull around 8-10 years of age. Some adult teeth are present as well as semi-erupted molars. Bone quality is superb, showing no scuffing or damage. The cranial walls are extremely thing, showing transparency through areas under the naked eye and being very transparent when held up to light – creating a speckled spongy appearance as seen in pictures. The thin bone present in this skull have no obvious signs to indicate exact medical condition. This condition is believed to be congenital and not degenerative. 10 year old skull for sale

Human Skull With Metopic Suture For sale

  Human Skull With Metopic Suture For sale Human Skull With Metopic Suture For sale This skull is a stunning representation of the work done by H. Gumpert, a famous skull detailer at the height of medical bone preparations. This skull also presents with a metopic suture : a frontal suture going up the center of the frontal bone, generally complete closure of this happens at 9 months of age, making it a very rare feature. Very robust, intricately cut and assembled, displaying all dentitions and no missing pieces or breaks. Bone quality is very dense and sturdy, no fragility present. Large adult male skull likely prepared by the company Clay Adams (stamp on skullcap is too worn to read). Prominent jawline and nasal bridge.